Why are we Chaplains? by Josh Waltz


Why are we police chaplains? We’re glad you asked. 

We are police chaplains, first and foremost, because when God calls, we answer. This is not a hobby for us, and it’s certainly not our profession. It is our answer to a summons. We’re here because we believe God called us to be here.   

We are police chaplains because you, the Blue Family, are worth it. You might not be invulnerable, but you are strong. You may not always have all the answers, but you always bust your butt to do your best. Not perfect, but honorable. Not leaping buildings in a single bound, just helping people make it through a really bad day. We’re honored to be a part of a group of women and men like that. 

We are police chaplains because we know that police work is tough, and it takes a toll. When that happens, we want you to know that a chaplain is on call 24/7, always ready to serve you and your families. We continuously strive to understand the world of policing, to be known and trusted by you, and to provide spiritual and practical support to the real-world challenges you experience.

We are police chaplains because nobody should have to feel alone. The police fraternity is an awesome bond, and we get that. But we also get that police work can leave men and women feeling isolated, disconnected, free-floating and alone in a world of tough demands, harsh judgments, and nonstop pressures. Police chaplains can be a much-needed point of personal connection—the confidential, non-judgmental, thoughtful presence of a friend.  

We are police chaplains because we would rather build a fence at the top of the cliff than run an ambulance service at the bottom. For many people, a career in law enforcement is a life lived right on the edge. There are lots of ways to “fall off”—whether through stress-induced health issues, emotional issues, substance abuse, reckless behavior, relational strain, or some other personal loss. Thankfully, there are more and more “first responders” at the bottom of the cliff to pick up the pieces when that happens. But how much better to keep people from falling off in the first place! As police chaplains, that’s exactly why we’re here.

Travis Akins