God is on the move in our new Chaplain Program by Brian Hays

As a former law enforcement officer in Southern California, I know first hand the pressures that weigh on the backs of the fine men and women who wear the badge. There are the obvious dangers, legal threats, PTSD, and difficult shift work to be sure, but officers carry the same pressures as everyday citizens as well.

Our new Chaplaincy Program at the Boulder Police Department is designed to meet the needs and everyday demands on police officers and their families. We are not present to solve problems or offer solutions per-say, but to merely act as a sounding board for the employees of the department. Our goal is for each of them to always know they are not alone.

In addition to the normal uphill climb every chaplaincy program faces, ours started in the infant stages of CoVid-19, as the first chaplain program in department history, and during civil and racial unrest like our country had not seen in quite some time. To say we were thrown into the deep end quickly would be an understatement.

However, as is evident throughout scripture, God was preparing the way! Our incredible Chaplain Team (including Ashley and K-9 Winston, Paul, Steve, and Tyler) has engaged in hundreds of conversations, ride-alongs, training days, car washes, coffees, lunches, text threads, and table top conversations. There have been moments of awkward quiet, only to be followed by wrenching truths poured out from the depths of a hurting heart.

Every time one of our chaplains visit with officers, we make ourselves available in any way possible. Some matters are family related, others spiritual, and some are just social. The program is a great tool to assist officers in unloading their stress, heartache, frustration, and exhaustion.

A new component for me and my role is the training I am receiving from Cathy Kowalski and Faithfully K-9. I have a four year-old Lab, “Cash”, who is in the throws of Therapy Dog boot camp. The goal is to be certified and for the two of us to work as a team to provide additional care for the police officers. There’s comfort and distraction, both a tremendous gift to officers, found in the smiling face of a dog who loves to be loved. Cash will join me every time I visit with officers at the department and will utilize his new found tricks as we say “thank you for all that you do.” When words are not enough, the soft, wet nose of a furry friend transcends understanding.

From a city historically known to be far from God, let me announce loud and clear, God is on the move and He is shattering pre-concieved beliefs regarding His son, Jesus Christ. Hope wins. Love conquers. Peace is found. To Him be the glory.

Brian Hays
Lead Pastor – Rock Creek Church
Chaplain - Boulder Police Department

Bryan Hays