A Chaplain's Calling - by Ashley Oliver


I knew back in October of 2019 that I was supposed to work with Law Enforcement. I had no idea at the time what that meant. I knew I did not want to be a cop and I wasn’t ready to leave my job in Children’s Ministry. It was only four months later that I was offered the opportunity to be a chaplain. Fast forward through our first year of COVID, political unrest, and then a mass shooting: I knew I had been called into something that only God was orchestrating. In August of 2021 I was given the chance to go full-time with RMPC and serve as a chaplain in Boulder. This month has already been full of phone calls, coffee meetings, and emails with the hope of building a support team – and we are only a week in. God has reminded me through each person I have spoken with that he is taking care of things. He has already prepared each step, person, and gift to benefit His Kingdom. I am honored to play a small role in what He is doing in Boulder.

I am thankful for the ways the Lord has wired me. My passion for people and the Gospel has driven me toward not only our officers, but their families as well. I do not know what it is to be the wife of a LEO, but I have been trusted with many stories as these couples brave the day to day of the job. It is my pleasure as a chaplain to encourage the families and our officers as they navigate the emotions and fear around the job. I am thankful God has allowed my heart for families and children to continue to be used in this profession. It is a privilege to be trusted by our officers.

In the year and a half, we have been a part of Boulder PD, I have seen God heal kids, protect officers from car accidents, and provide comfort in the midst of tragedy. God moves with intention. He has been moving in the Boulder Police Department long before our team was thought of, before RMPC, for such a time as this.  

My prayer over the Boulder Police Department and the Law Enforcement community is for unity; my hope is that, as chaplains, we will bring the fruit of peace with us into every interaction. I pray that in a time of disunity, God works to bring connections to the men and women working to protect our cities. If I ever doubt God is working, I just have to look back and see how he has already moved.


Travis Akins